Sin of the Week: Gluttony

The honeymoon is over, folks. And there hasn’t even been a wedding. 

Let me take a minute here to explain. I have an awesome companion in CJ. I could go on for pages, but will spare you. One detail, though, is that he is very tolerant of my moderate ban on junk food in our house. Sure we have one item of junk food now and then; I am not claiming to be the patron saint of health food or anything. But he actually eats tofu and fake meat and doesn’t mind when I sneak spinach, kale, or flaxseeds into almost everything I cook. And he doesn’t complain that with the exception of cat food, I could count on my fingers the number of times there has been meat in this apartment since we’ve lived here. 

Last night, though, he stopped trying to impress me. 

While completing our bi-weekly grocery shopping trip, he snuck hostess chocolate-covered donuts into our cart. I didn’t see them until we were checking out, because they were covered with the potato chips, the cheese curls (the first ingredient of which is vegetable oil), tortilla chips (“Scoops! I need Scoops” he uttered gleefully as he darted down the junk aisle) cheese dip (the BIG jar) for the tortilla chips, fish sticks, onion rings, chicken nuggets, townhouse crackers, and pepperoni. Call me a pretentious hippie if you want, but I would never be caught dead with all of that stuff in my kitchen.

His excuse? Super Bowl Sunday.  And I will be gone for it since I have to be at a conference in Columbus Sunday through Tuesday, so I won’t be there to make food for guests. Guests?  When I asked him why he needed so MUCH crap to eat in one day he said he was having company. Oh? Company? Enough to eat all of that? Yeah -two people. He is having a coworker and his wife come over to eat all of that. 

I have a strange feeling I am going to come home to him curled up on the floor with a stomachache and a satisfied smile.