“Put DOWN the paintbrush and keep your hands where I can see them…”

I’m pretty sure I heard CJ say that sometime in the past week. I got this crazy itch to paint, and I had to get it done… I’ve had paint samples hanging on a few of our walls for over a month, trying to decide what would look good. It was time. 

There are several funny stories of painting (including various things that mysteriously got painted despite the tape and/or drop cloths I meticulously placed over them), but I’ll let him relate those to everyone as I’m sure he’ll embellish them to make them sound more amusing than they really were. 

So anyway, here are the results. The dining room, in a lovely shade of sage green. Pardon all of the crap on the table; I swear it’s clean most of the time but I’ve been using it to make bridal shower invitations and such the past few days. The lilac walls are in my girlie room, where as you can tell I have not put everything back together yet. I did get rid of the futon I’ve had since college (I don’t even want to think of the various things it was exposed to…), hoping to get a nice cozy IKEA chair when I get sick of a folded-in-half futon cushion on the floor as my reading/lounging spot. 



And finally, here’s where YOU come in: what color should I paint my bedroom? I started out with about 20 different shades hanging up, and over the past two weeks have cut it down to the finalists pictured below. 

At the moment I’m leaning toward the more muted-looking blue-green one that’s third one from the bottom in the first pic, but second from the bottom in the other (I’m posting two separate photos in different lighting situations to give a better idea of what they look like). Input, anyone? I’m totally up for suggestions and criticisms. 

I really like the metallic one, but I don’t think the landlord would appreciate it when calculating how much of our security deposit to return to us when we leave this place someday. Also, it doesn’t look too metallic when it’s hanging on the wall in normal lighting (it actually looks kinda dark), but with the flash it looks a bit gaudy. I think I’ll save that one for a bathroom someday. 

 And now for the bummer of the day, I can’t figure out how to edit photos after I’ve already inserted them. And of course, I know this will look different as an actual post than it looks as a draft. So if my commentary on these pics is nowhere near the pics themselves, I am truly sorry. Maybe this sumer when I have more time I will figure such things out. Speaking of time, here I go to make an attempt at finishing my seniors’ grades, as tomorrow is their last day of class…

5 Responses

  1. GASP!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Don’t do a navy or a SHINY dark color. I discovered that is VERY bad. And hard to do well.

    I like the middle one and the top one. Very peaceful and remind me of the ocean.

  2. oh, and i like your first choice too.

  3. OH – and i Have a duvet cover from india if you would like…

    maybe i’ll just send you an email 😉

  4. LOVE the paint, I can’t wait to come visit. You’re making me want to paint my house now…(somewhere in Columbus Adam is furiously shouting ‘NO!!!!!!!)

  5. Yeah, ocean is what I was going for… so I’m glad you mentioned that… I was thinking watery colors are good for places that are supposed to be restful.

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